Decision Support System In Determining The Topic Of The Final Project, Supervisors, And Case Study Students Of The Faculty Of Information Technology, Aisyah Pringsewu University With The Exponential Comparison Method (Mpe)

  • Ockhy Jey Fhiter Wassalam
  • Zulkifli Aisyah University
  • Tresna Yudha Prawira Stimik Muhammadiyah Paguyangan Brebes
  • Ummul Hairah Mulawarman University
  • Ferly Ardhy Aisyah University
  • Faza Alameka Mulia University
  • Fitra Endi Fernanda Aisyah University
  • Salman Alfarisi Salimu Aisyah University
Keywords: System Information; SPK; MPE; MySQL


Abstract-information technology does bring a lot of convenience that can be experienced in human life. An example of the era of information technology is the introduction of computers in people's lives. The computer is now considered as a device that provides many benefits that are inseparable from human life. In every company or institution, data processing is done with a computer. Therefore, computers can be used as aspects of supporting good and right decision making to make decisions. So that the research work that the authors do refers to the application of the exponential comparison method (MPE) in determining the topic of the final project, lecturers and students of the Department of Information Technology at Aisyah Pringsewu University aims to make decisions in the selection of the final project topic, lecturers and students according to the criteria at Aisyah Pringsewu University. A Decision Support System (SPK) is needed to find the value of student topics from each criterion identified by Aisyah Pringsewu University for the decision-making process. Applying the exponential comparison method (MPE) by using the criteria set by the campus, namely registering as an active student, completing a minimum of 100 credits, conducting research and writing final project discussions. The final project topic selection decision support system, lecturers and students was built by the author using PHP programming language and using MySQL database running on Windows operating system.

