The Market Basket Analysis In Sales Transactions With Apriori Algorithm

  • Ratnasari Ratnasari Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu
  • Aviv Fitria Yulia Aisyah University
  • Fahlul Rizki Aisyah University
  • Agustinus Eko Setiawan Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu
Keywords: data mining, market basket analysis, Apriori


The company's biggest challenge today is how to extract significant data into information that is ready to be used to assist in making decisions and increasing sales. One way to get this knowledge is by doing data mining. In this study, the authors studied vitamin sales transaction data at Viva Health Duku Setro Pharmacy using the association rule method to find association rules from sales transaction data. The algorithm used is the Apriori algorithm. This algorithm is used to find the rules of association using the Rapidminer software tool version 8. The association rules in the A priori algorithm will be used as a reference in determining the goods to be promoted with cross-selling marketing strategies and product bundling marketing techniques. The result of this study is that the a priori algorithm has an accuracy value of 61.17%.

